November, 2011
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” ~Aristotle
Illustration: Hans Hoffmann, Squirrel Eating Hazel Nuts, w/c on vellum (1578)
ARTES is Building its Social Network…Join Us!

ARTES, the fine arts magazine, is looking to make a difference. We invite you to join our network of Facebook ‘Friends.’ Our site is a Web-based destination where visitors can read full-length, interesting articles on a broad range of topic related to art, architecture and design. The growing popularity of ARTES, in a field dominated by headline specialists and print publication spin-offs, is to provide meaningful on-line content, comparable to the finest of the market’s print magazines, museum catalogues and journal articles. Many feature stories are, in fact, written by those very experts that produce content to accompany exhibitions, major gallery and public events.
In order to expand our horizons and let more people know about ARTES, I have requested the voluntary services of an extraordinarily gifted and hard-working museum studies specialist, Ekaterina Popova. ‘Katya’ Popova has managed to balance a busy schedule in the art and museum world to agree to build and manage the ARTES Facebook and Twitter sites. Her diligence and devotion to the task has meant that ARTES can join the ranks of other web sites, where social networking is such a critical link in the chain of outreach and good will. In addition to her on-line responsibilities to the magazine, she is also honing her skills as a painter and critical writer, making regular contributions to the editorial pages of the magazine with museum exhibition reviews (Note: search her name under our Author Index).
I want to thank Katya for her hard work, as she stands on the shoulders of Adrienne Katz, the energetic volunteer who came before her; continuing to lay the groundwork in an Internet arena that, I confess, I have little understanding of. The ‘i-future’ may belong to the young—iphones, ipads, ipods, etc. Have confidence in the fact that, if you want a computer problem solved, go directly to the new generation of tech-savvy wiz-kids. About the future of our country, I am optimistic, however, as long as bright and energetic women like Katya are there to lend a hand for a project that can potentially add so much to the cultural landscape in which she, and others like her, seem to be so invested.
Visit our social networking sites and please ‘Friend’ us at:!/ARTESmag
Thanks for reading,
Richard Friswell
Publisher & Managing Editor
October, 2011
“An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.” ~George Santayana
Illustration (left): George Catlin, Buffalo Bull, Great Pawnee Warrior (1832)
New Content Explores Cultural History
An Anniversary Gift to Readers
ARTES, a fine arts magazine, is celebrating its second anniversary as an on-line resource for art lovers. In the past two years, 175 feature articles have appeared and over 2500 images have accompanied those text. We strive to bring our readers a richly-detailed, comprehensive view of the worlds of art, architecture and design. Working with our cadre of writers, editors and technical experts has turned this experiment in virtual publishing an extraordinary adventure for me, as publisher and managing editor. Reaching out to museum curators, directors, gallery owners and collectors for their vast expertise and cultural perspective in their fine arts fields of expertise makes this project doubly-rewarding.
As an artist, writer and cultural historian with a long-standing interest in modernism (in all its iterations), I have also been fortunate enough to become part of an exciting post-graduate program at Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut. This will be my third college degree (focus on the Humanities, after two degrees in psychology). I think of it as my encore career and a chance to immerse myself in the topic I love so much—fine art and its historical corollaries. Along those lines, I will plan, from time-to-time, to includes a feature article, or a link to another site, where readers who share my interest in “The Big Picture.” There, you can read in areas associated with or integrally related to art movements, as they have evolved over the decades since the Modern Era began to unfold in the early 19th century.
Drawing in material from my in-depth examination of the birth of modern art will add a lively and informative component (I hope!) to the pages of ARTES. It will also allow us to branch out a bit, taking into account the full impact of literature, film, music and Western European history on the development of abstract art and the modernist idiom.
As a start, please let me introduce Herb Jeffries, the last surviving member of the Duke Ellington Band and a 1930s cinema cowboy hero with a fascinating story to tell…Meet the Bronze Buckaroo! http//
Thanks for following ARTES. Please ‘friend’ us on our new Facebook page and Tweet us at the icon posted in the column to the right.
Warm regards,
Richard Friswell
Publisher & Managing Editor
September, 2011
“Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better.”
-André Gide
Illustrations: Banner (detail), Egidius Lining, Ship, John H. Elliot (Antwerp, 1856). Collection, Essex, CT Library; Portrait, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Girl in a Red Scarf (c. 1790). Private Collection.
Tell Us a Story…
ARTES fine arts magazine is being read the world over. With nearly a third-of-a-million hits in the month of July alone, the virtual content of the magazine is being accessed by nearly 125,000 international readers, 24/7. The ‘Feature Articles’ section of ARTES is a powerful and attractive means to tell the story of your museum, up-coming exhibition, gallery event or collection. With so many routine notices arriving each day, go beyond the standard press release, call or send a written proposal for consideration by the staff. This will increase the likelihood that your institution or organization will succeed
With 170 feature stories currently posted and archived, the editorial board is always open to proposals for new content. We share your compassion for fine art, architecture and design. Collections with an historical focus, challenges involving conservation, lighting and display and novel programs aimed at bringing the public together with the elements of a museum collection or show make for great reading—and ARTES readers are eager to spend the time and immerse themselves in topics that are integral to the quality of their lives. The demographics show that the magazine is attracting a unique, sophisticated reader. This is your museum visitor. This is your collector/client. This is your fine art friend, fan and colleague! Please explore this exciting platform for reaching out to them.
Let us hear from you. Tweet us or drop me a line directly at
Our Twitter site:
Thank you for your enthusiastic interest in ARTES
Richard Friswell, Publisher & Managing Editor