April, 2012
“Art hurts. Art urges voyages – and it is easier to stay at home.” ~Gwendolyn Brooks, American Poet (1917-2000)
Left: Joan Miro, Woman, Bird and Stars (1942), Gouache on paper. Private Collection

The colorful harbingers of spring feel like Rococo embellishments at the end of a winter survivor’s tale. While this one was historically mild, turning the page of the calendar to the heading “April” always feels like a victory of light over darkness, green defeating gray, face-to-the-breeze and a respite from the huddled rush, via the shortest route, from point A to point B. Art openings abound; concert schedules to be held on rolling verdant lawns of city parks are announced; Thespians rehearse for the 3-act plays they’ll be taking on the road; children can be heard on school playgrounds—barely-constrained energy—ready to bolt for summer’s promise; unseen creatures in primordial pools behind my studio begin to stir and cry out at dusk. The awakening of the cycle of life and human spirit is palpable all around us.

ARTES, the fine arts magazine continues to spread its wings as it sprout new roots: our phalanx of contributing writers grows, while ARTES‘s global reach is reflected in our feature articles—from Delhi, India to Venice, Italy; Sao Paulo, Brazil to Portland, Maine. Readership continues to expand, as we remain committed to the idea that full-length feature articles, with strong curatorial and historical links can be a viable part of the Internet-based Information Age. With more than seven million hits projected for 2012 and enough articles being read on each visit to constitute a small-to medium-sized library, ARTES is a valued resource for experts, collectors, students and the artistically-inspired around the world. For its writers—curators and academics, practicing artists and critics, economists and social historians, and others, ARTES is an excellent literary vehicle for putting one’s thoughts out into the world and, in fact, reaching an international audience.
ARTES is renewing its CALL FOR WRITERS who are interested in contributing to the magazine. Accolades and increased name recognition within the sometime-baffling metrics of search engine recognition may be small consolation for the absence of monetary compensation. But, for an artist with a successful museum or gallery show, an artists’ public relations company with a client-base looking to you for guidance in the marketplace of ideas, a museum with an extraordinary new upcoming exhibition, or a professor or curator with an interesting perspective on a familiar topic in art history, or an artist’s life work, consider publication in ARTES. Our virtual magazine’s reach goes beyond the time-delays of the printed word, beyond the distances of traditional geographically-bound distribution routes and stressed retail settings; as we deliver our passion for art, architecture and design directly and instantly to the hearts and minds of our readership.
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Thank you for your loyalty and we hope to see more of you,
Richard Friswell
Publisher & Managing Editor