A Wonderful site for anyone interested in small and specialized settings– The Association of College and University Museums and Gallerieshttp://www.acumg.org/
Check out the Smithsonian’s massive repository of free research material at: http://collections.si.edu/search/
This is the National Gallery link…a national treasure! http://www.nga.gov/
Freelance writing for artists, archtects and designers. Let the ARTES magazine staff tell your story for you at: http://www.richardfriswell.com
Jeff Rubin: Marketing Strategy | Communication Design | Art Direction. Winner: FOLIO Award for Editorial Excellence: http://www.jeffrubindesign.com
February 7, 2014 @ 3:44 pm
ArtsATL.com is a multidisciplinary, online-only publication that offers reviews, features and new about the arts produced or appearing in metropolitan Atlanta.
January 28, 2015 @ 2:58 pm
OAC Gallery is an online gallery that sells curated artwork. We are always looking for additional artists. Learn more about selling your work online here: http://www.oacgallery.com/page/artists-faq/