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An E-magazine: Passionate for the arts, architecture & design

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1 Comment

  1. Susan Butler Cooper Milford of SC
    November 7, 2015 @ 1:48 pm

    Hello, I am a direct descendant of Hugh and Savannah Splatt Swinton of Adams Run (Township postal area now) on the Toogoodoo River. I have the original colonial sheepskin landgrant made through Governor Morton for the land where the Swintons built the Plantation House called Brick House (house and graves in ruins there now, but I have an old picture). My great grandmother was Olivia Cecile Swinton Jenkins. Our friend and genealogist just returned from visiting the sea islands and also from photographing grave stones, churches, and sites there. She is restructuring the family tree for me and two of my granddaughters, Olivia and Cecile. We can share the whole family line and stories up to present descendants. Please include her in any correspondence we may have. She’s Lyn Streight of Cinncinnati. Would love to know how the watch made its way to you. We do know the Yankees during the Northern War of Aggression stripped Brick House of food, crops, slashed the family Swinton oil paintings of ancestors, but didn’t get a mule which one of the slaves (who feared them taking them off to dig trenches and then leaving them) took at least one mule and hid it in the woods. (Abram escaped too.) According to stories told me by my grandmother, all of whose brothers and sisters I knew, my great grand mother spoke of the War Between the States as throwing slaves and their owners all into a pitiful family of deprevation to be overcome. I don’t know if any retained family possessions were sold, but all of my grandmother’s generation were send to private schools and college to be educated away from the isolated living on the island after the age of 12. I enjoyed reading your article and about your research. I am sharing it with other Swinton descendants.


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