Editor’s Letter: May, 2017
“History never really says goodbye. History says, ‘See you later.’”
~Eduardo Galeano
Left: Frank Duveneck, study for, Guard at the Harem (1888). Collection Asian Art Museum, San Francisco
Art Preserves the Historical Record: Muslim Slaves in 19th Century America
First, a little background…
Slavery is as old as civilization. The capture, sale and exploitation of slave labor had been a burgeoning business for the nations of Europe and Africa—then the center of the known world—and beyond, throughout recorded history.
So when slavery arrived on the shores of the American colonies, it was merely a natural progression of a widely recognized and accepted practice. It is important to note, at this point, a detail about exploration and settlement of the North American continent in the 400 years since its “discovery”, up until the Civil War. After the vast landfall’s presence was known for certain, this “New World” was invaded by three principle groups—each with its own agenda.More