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  1. JOHN ROBERT COLOMBO INTRODUCES PAUL BEEKMAN TAYLOR’S NEW BOOK “REAL WORLDS OF G.I.GURDJIEFF” « Gurdjieff's teaching: for scholars and practitioners
    November 23, 2012 @ 11:28 am

    […] Early Modernism/Futurism Had Roots in Eastern Europe as well as Paris, Moscow […]


  2. Ketevan Kintsurashvili
    April 16, 2014 @ 10:53 am

    Dear colleagues,
    Thank you for your interest in Georgian Avant-Garde art! I am writing in response to the following proposition: “Georgian art historians know about the work he conducted under the Soviet Union, but his period from Paris is un-researched, obscure and undoubtedly his most interesting period.”
    This period (undoubtedly the most interesting) has been thoroughly researched.
    David Kakabadze’s “Parisian” period is featured in my books dedicated to the artist :
    1. “David Kakabadze,” (co-author David Janiashvili), Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House, Tbilisi, 2013 (in Georgian/English).
    2. “The Avant-Garde of Modernism,” Bank Republic of Georgia, Tbilisi, 2013 (in Georgian/English).
    3. “David Kakabadze: Georgian Modern Artist and Inventor,” ‘Nova,’ New York, 2013.
    4. “David Kakabadze, A 20th Century Classic”, monograph, ‘Saari,’ Tbilisi, 2006 (in English).
    5. “David Kakabadze, A 20th Century Classic,” monograph, ‘Arbat,’ St. Petersburg, 2002 (in Russian).
    Lots of articles, catalogues, etc. have been published on the same theme.
    In addition, the following site, published in 2005, is available on-line:
    Thank you again for your interest,
    Ketevan Kintsurashvili,
    Art historian, Ph.D.


  3. ?????? #?_?????? | ?????
    July 7, 2015 @ 6:10 pm

    […] ??????, ??????????? ??????????? ?????????: ? ?????????? ? ??????? ?… […]


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